Wednesday 22 December 2010

Mise En Scene: Lighting & Colour


Like i have spoke about before, lighting can be used to give a particular scene a realistic, or dramatic look.
It can be used in a variety of ways, including

  • to highlight important characters or objects within the frame by drawing attention towards them with a bright light source (often in chiaroscuro) 
  • to make a character look mysterious by shading sections of the face/ body
  • to reflect a characters confused state of mind suggested by altering bright and dark light quickly, in a strobe effect

As discussed in a earlier entry, colour carries a very significant importance and influence to a mood or feeling a character needs to portray. The way which we associate certain colours with certain feelings, we associate certain colours with certain genres particularly with reference to film posters and publicity materials which rely on the public quickly being able to identify with a film even from a distance. 

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