Monday 20 December 2010

Productivity Meeting - Our Thriller Movie

On Friday me and my fellow comrades sat down together and discussed what our thriller film will be about.   We discussed possible, ideas and we tried developing some of the idea's we came up with on one of my earlier posts. We were split between all the idea's, so we tried to pick specific aspects from the majority of the initial ideas.

In doing so we created our final idea for the thriller film.

The film is about a hit man who has been assigned to particular target but refuses to carry out the mission. The hit man does find a target, but is it the right person?

The film is build upon mystery and suspense, which are essential according from my audience research.

The first shots are of hands, tried up frantically struggling. The shot is close up lighting above to show the mystery characters vulnerability.

From this we switch to a mid shot from behind the tired up person, with the hit man holding the gun to their head, the shot is out of focus so we do not see the target. The camera then switches to a low angle point of view shot from the person tied up.

From this shot we can graphic match to the next scene which is a flashback , in black and white, to meeting between the hit man  and a women, who a contractor. The women slides a photo across the table, and thought-out this scene, all in fact, will have the same music playing. The camera begins to zoom into the photo to the point of a extreme close up of the photo. The camera begins to zoom out, whilst returning to colour to represent its back to the present.

The hit man pics up the photo of the ground and starts frantically waving it, this will be captured using a high angle mid shot. The camera suddenly switches to a close up of the hit man who is furious. The camera then fades to black and white, and suddenly we are in another flashback. The camera begins to zoom out to a mid shot showing both the hit man and the contractor. She is putting cases, we assumed filled with money onto the table to convince the hit man to do the job but he begins to shake his head.

As he does so we are brought back to the present time were the hit man is shaking his head, shouting. This is captured by the camera going lower to the ground to make a low angle mid shot to show his power and authority. The camera switches to the gun in the man's hand. he is shacking it, this then changes to black and white with the women shacking the gun, as if this action triggers him to think of this meeting again.

The last scenes consist of the camera zooming into the eyes of the women in black and white. The camera slowly begins to zoom out while doing so, previous images begin to flash for  few seconds, this being of the frantic hands and frantic legs, all returning to the eyes. At this point the camera begins to return to return to colour. The camera keeps zooming out from the eyes reveal that instead of the target in the photo being tied up, its the contractor.

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