Monday, 7 March 2011

Evaluation question 2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

With our thriller film we tried to represent gender in a specific way. The films involves a male hit man taking orders from a women boss. The male hit man could not come to terms with several issues, one being the target, and two taking orders from a women. This is in mind as in today's world women are beginning to take on a more important role not just at home but in business too and this film in some ways attempts to reflect the some feelings some male workers may receive through taking orders form a women.

As for other social groups such as sexuality, ethnicity, and age, we didn't make any deliberate intentions to represent them in any way as it was totally irrelevant to the film and we didn't feel it would be appropriate to incorporate these social groups in our thriller. In our film young people are not portrayed in a negative nor positive light as we felt it has very little relevance to the theme. i was to try and deliberately target ethnicity then i would have produced a prejudice film where violence would occur specifically because of the background and race of the character.

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